the sketchbook project is a touring art exhibit of hundreds of sketchbooks, each one by a different artist, based on a single theme (in this case, "everyone we know"). i thought it sounded cool, so i registered, got a sketchbook, filled it up, and sent it back. my sketchbook, along with hundreds of others, will go on tour starting feb. 27. maybe the tour will come near *you*. check it out!
i've posted some pictures and explanations of my sketchbook pages on the art house co-op website: http://www.arthousecoop.com/users/amosfly
hey good to find you, unfortunately I still work part time at my soul sucking corporate graphic design job as I have three kids to get through college... but luck to you, I really liked your sketchbook...
thank you, ms. dryadart! i hope your kids appreciate how cool it is to have a mom who likes siouxsie and the clash. ;-)
already said elsewhere but this looks so cool and now user bookmarked too. Ah yes and cool moms rock :)
More seriously it is beautiful from what I've seen. Superb work want to see more!
Best of luck em. Can't wait to hear where your book wound up...
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